We are sorry that the 2024 Lecture was cancelled.

The registered participants should have received the announcement from the onoffmix.com. We will announce the next year’s speaker soon again. Thank you.

Registration is at https://onoffmix.com/event/296043.

2024 Lecturer: Prof. Lennart Ljung

Lennart Ljung, Linköping University, Sweden

Lennart Ljung is a Swedish professor in the Chair of Control Theory at Linköping University since 1976. He is known for his pioneering research in system identification, and is regarded as a leading researcher in control theory. He received the B.A. in Russian Language and Mathematics 1967, the M.Sc. (first degree) in Engineering Physics 1970, and the Ph.D. in Control Theory 1974, all from Lund University. Following a position as a research associate at Stanford University 1974–1975 and a position as an associate professor in control theory at Lund University in 1975–1976, he was elected as a professor in the chair of control theory at Linköping University in 1976. He was a visiting researcher at Stanford University 1980–1981 and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985–1986. He was also Department Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University between 1981 and 1990. He was the Director of the MOVIII Strategic Research Center at Linköping University. He has made extensive contributions to control theory, particularly in the area of system identification. He has authored 17 books, over 200 international journal articles, over 300 international conference papers, and a widely used commercial software package for MATLAB called the System Identification Toolbox. His awards and honors are:

  • IEEE Fellow (1985)
  • Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (1985)
  • Member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences (1995)
  • Doctor honoris causa Baltic State Technical University (1996)
  • Doctor honoris causa Uppsala University (1998)
  • Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering Sciences (2001)
  • Giorgio Quazza Medal (2002)
  • Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize, awarded by IEEE Control Systems Society (2003)
  • Foreign Member of the United States National Academy of Engineering (2004)
  • Doctor honoris causa Universite de Technologie de Troyes (2004)
  • Doctor honoris causa Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2004)
  • IEEE Control Systems Award (2007)
  • Doctor honoris causa Helsinki University of Technology (2008)
  • Three AUTOMATICA Paper Prize awards (1981,1993, 2014)
  • The Nathaniel B. Nichols Medal, awarded by the International Federation of Automatic Control (2017)
  • The Great Gold Medal (Stora Guldmedaljen) awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science (IVA) (2018)

More history about Prof. Ljung can be found at https://ethw.org/Oral-History:Lennart_Ljung. Some interviews by Mathworks around the System Identification Toolbox are found at https://kr.mathworks.com/videos/series/lennart-ljung-on-system-identification-toolbox-97005.html.

Kwon Lecture: “Data Science — In the Light of System Identification”

Date & Time: October 18 (Friday), 2024, 3:40 ~ 5:30 PM
Place: Seoul National University Library, Kwanjeong Building, Yang Doo Suk Hall

If you browse the web for “Data Science”, you find several broad and exciting statements, like “Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century”, or “Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract or extrapolate knowledge and insights from noisy, structured and unstructured data, and apply knowledge from data across a broad range of application domains.”
Clearly, Data Science is a topic of great interest which has reached considerable current attention. It includes central research areas in the systems and control field, such as reinforcement learning, machine learning, deep learning and “big data”. Despite the extensive nomenclature and wide application areas associated with data science, it is stressed in this presentation that there are only a few central concepts. The use of data science to build mathematical model of dynamic systems – System Identification – is a useful template to illustrate and explain the basic concepts.

Tutorial Lecture: System Identification

Date & Time: October 19 (Saturday), 2024, 9:30 AM ~ 12:30 PM
Place: Seoul National University Library, Kwanjeong Building, Yang Doo Suk Hall

System identification is the art and science of estimating mathematical models of dynamical systems from observed input and output signals. The tutorial will describe the basic techniques and methods in this area.  It covers the material in the textbooks:

L. Ljung: System Identification – Theory for the User. Prentice Hall,  2nd edition 1999.


L. Ljung, T. Glad and A. Hansson: Modeling and Identification of Dynamic Systems, 2nd edition 2021, Studentlitteratur, Lund, Sweden.

The tutorial has three basic instalments:

  • The workflow of system identification with specific treatment of how to estimate linear models. Typical linear model structures.
  • Specific methods for linear models: (a) Frequency-domain data, (b) Instrumental variables methods, (c) Subspace methods, and (d) Regularization techniques (kernel-based methods)
  • Non-linear models: Common structures and how to estimate them.

Handouts will be provided, containing copies of the slides shown.

Sponsored by

Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
Engineering Research Center for Advanced Control and Instrumentation


Yoonsun Lee
Building 133, Room 316, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Tel: +82 2 880 7318 / FAX: +82 2 871 2527
Email: ysys16@snu.ac.kr

Organizer of the event

Prof. Hyungbo Shim
Director of Engineering Center for Advanced Control and Instrumentation,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University
Email: hshim@snu.ac.kr