
Many graduate students of Professor Wook Hyun Kwon have been very successful in their careers.  Some of them are motivated with entrepreneurship by Prof. Kwon for founding several startup companies, which began from 1989. When they saw some initial success, they started to donate endowment to be used for academic activities for their advisor. This support now is used for Kwon Lecture for the advancement of knowledge on mathematical systems theories in areas of control, robotics, signal processing, cyber-physical systems, biological system, and social systems.


Past Donors

Dae Gyu Byun
Jong Il Kim
Han Hong Choi
Yong Hoon Lee
Yong Hoon Kim
Jung Yong Kang
Sang Hwan Park
Wook Hyun Kwon and Family

Jae Won Lee ( CEO, Suprema, www.supremainc.com )
Humax ( www.humaxdigital.com, CEO, Dae Gyu Byun)
Woorigisool ( www.wooritg.com, CEO, Gap Sun Rho)
Finedigital ( www.finedigital.com, CEO,Yong Hoon Kim)
Piolink (www.piolink.com, CEO, Young Cheol Cho)
Sanion ( www.sanion.com, CEO, Dong Ryul Lee)


For further donation

To donate endowment, please visit Seoul Nation University Foundation (http://www.snu.or.kr) where you can specify how your endowment be spent, Or you can call ERC-ACI (Tel 02-880-7318) for the assistance if necessary.